Saturday, November 29, 2008

Pictures, pictures, pictures!

When I have time to write, it's hard for me to decide which stories to share--there are hundreds fighting to get out. So, I thought I'd share some pictures of what goes on here because a picture is worth a thousand words, right?
(Just a reminder: you can click on any of these pictures to see them in full size and even download them in case you recognize someone! Click the Back button to get back to the blog.)

Here are some of our assistants (one staying, one leaving, and one new one) and departing missionaries. We always have a hard time saying goodbye. Mission accomplished! Well done.

The day before they leave, they come in for their departing interview and testimony meeting. Then we always send them off with a traditional dinner of lasagna and chocolate tiramisu. The missionaries always offer to help. Here is Elder Ethington helping me show off our finished lasagnas.

I always like to see "how it's done" and everyone has their own tips to share. I knew Elder Ethington was an expert because he and his companions in Castellammare made us lasagna for lunch once during interviews a year ago! Here are a couple of pictures from that yummy lunch complete with a decorated table and pink yogurt-frosted cake.

Very early the next morning, we take the departing missionaries to the airport. It's always hard to say good-bye, but I know that there are very happy parents and brothers and sisters anxiously waiting for them to come home. That, and the fact that we know we'll see them again after the mission, makes it just a little easier.

We're always excited to meet our new missionaries. They come in that same afternoon. If they get in on time and there are no complications (like lost luggage), we take them to see something of Rome. First stop, pizza!

Then, a visit to the beautiful St. Paul's Basilica where, among other things, is a carved slab of marble that says (in Latin) "Exaltata ad est Celestia Regna," which means, "Exaltation is the Celestial Kingdom."

We drive past the colosseum on our way home, have another lasagna and tiramisu dinner, President Acerson gives each one an interview, then we put very sleepy missionaries to bed.

The next day, after several hours of training and a visit to the temple site where they can dedicate themselves to the work here in Italy, we have lunch with the trainers. This is the standard lunch for transfers and other conferences: turkey and salami sandwiches, pasta salad or Tuscan tomato soup (depending on the weather), veggies, fruit, chips, and chocolate chip cookies.

Here are some of the trainers and new missionaries just before they are matched up with their new companions. They are all so happy and nervous and excited all at once!

Here are a couple of new missionaries finding out who their trainers are. As you can tell, this is the most exciting part of transfers!

Afterward, they grab their things and they're off to their cities! Buon viaggio! (Good travel!).

District Conference
District Conferences are like stake conference only a bit smaller. Within our mission boundares are one stake (the Rome Stake) and three districts (Napoli/Naples, Firenze/Florence, and Sardegna-the island). President Acerson presides over the districts. Every spring and fall we travel to the three districts for their conferences. This fall, we had a general authority and his wife visiting each of the districts! On Saturday, we have auxiliary training meetings, priesthood leadership meetings, sometimes a women's meeting, and an evening meeting for adults (but a lot of children come as well, as Italians in general don't like to leave their children with anyone). On Sunday, there is the typical two-hour meeting from 10:00-12:00. In between all of this, President does temple recommend interviews and sometimes interviews new missionaries.

Because the people in Sardegna travel so far (some drive 3 hours or take a train or bus which is even longer!), many of the members in Cagliari (Cai-yar-ee) open their homes for overnight guests and then provide a yummy lunch after the Sunday session. Here are some pictures that were taken during our time in Cagliari, Sardegna after district meetings there.

The next picture is of a new member who loves to bring his friends to church, a long-time member, and two outstanding missionaries. Elder Loritz on the right is a branch president in Oristano, was born to a German father, an Italian mother, lived in England, and took French as his "second" language in school. That means he speaks four languages! Elder Middleton is one of the happiest and most helpful missionaries--but even that's hard to say because they are all happy and helpful! His family in Utah welcomed a member and her non-member husband into their home for 10 days and, with the help of my sister, Ellen, my parents in Moab, and some of our returned missionaries, showed them most everything that can be seen in Utah -- including Temple Square, snow in the mountains, and the Arches!

Here are pictures of the district president, President Sanna and his wife and some of the food they are serving!

Here are some pictures of some of the members in the District of Sardegna. The first one is of a man who loves the missionaries and who loves to cook. A good combination!

Once, we ate just a little at the church and then went to the Mura's home for a little (lot!) more. They are the parents and grandparents of one of our missionaries and they love to treat us well. (Be sure to click on this picture! The grandparents are so cute!)

Of course we also have a great time in Firenze and Napoli where we meet in a hotel convention-type hall. Here are some pictures of members and missionaries after the most recent district meeting in Firenze. (Note that everytime we see missionaries, even if it's at a district conference, we bring mail and packages. President always says, jokingly, that his job is just a glorified mailman! They're always very happy to see us!)

I wanted to show you pictures of a wonderful young man who joined the church about six months ago. The first picture was taken at our youth conference this summer just after he had been baptized. He bore a powerful testimony at our testimony meeting on the temple grounds. The second one was taken after district conference with Elder Auna from Hawaii, one of the missionaries who taught him. He told us he's now preparing to serve a mission. Just goes to show you what spending time with a bunch of missionaries might do!

President's counselor in the mission presidency is President Ogunleye from Prato (originally from Nigeria and married to a beautiful and sweet Italian). They have two beautiful children. Luca, on the right, just returned from his mission to England earlier this year and is now dating a young woman from the states, also pictured here with the Ogunleye family. You should hear the talks President Ogunleye gives! They are marvelous. I could listen to him the whole meeting. I can even understand his Italian!

Here are some pictures taken in Napoli. The first one is of our missionaries and President and Sister Oaks after zone conference. This is taken on the balcony just outside the chapel overlooking the beautiful Bay of Napoli (unfortunately, it was cloudy that day). The second picture is of President Acerson and Sister Oaks greeting people after zone conference (they had come for interviews). The third is the Parisi family who fed us a delicious dinner Saturday night. They used to serve in the church with President and Sister Oaks in Napoli when they lived there 30 years before! They have been stalwart members, even holding church in their home just months after they were baptized!

There is a Naval Support Site (military base) where military and civilians are stationed and they attend two different branches. Headsets providing translation are passed back and forth between English and Italian speakers throughout their meetings with missionaries translating talks and lessons for them!

Now that you've had a glimpse into what happens during transfers and district conferences here, I hope you have been able to see how wonderful the people are. Because it's all about the people--the members, the investigators, and the missionaries. We love each and every one of them and treasure our time with them.

Tomorrow I will post Part II of Pictures, pictures, pictures!


steph said...

Dear President and Sister Acerson,

This is Stephanie (Terry) Valdez. When my parents, Mike and Kathy Terry, told me you were serving as mission presidents in Rome, I was ecstatic! My husband, Brent, and I will be traveling to Europe in two weeks, arriving in Rome on Sunday Dec. 14. We are hoping to attend a sacrament meeting that morning, and I was wondering which ward you attend so we could try to see you. If you get the chance to reply, my email is . It is great to see how your family is doing through your blog. Take care and Happy Holidays.

Ellen James said...

Wow! You have been working so hard, both on your mission and your blog! I need to convince Rick to let me come see you again and help (not that I was that much help last time!).

I LOVE your stories and pictures, thanks for posting. I especially love the picture of you and Elder Eddington in the kitchen! :)

Love ya!

Grammy said...

It was so great to hear about your blog!!! Wow, what a tremendous experience you are having. We think of you often, congrats to all the fabulous things going on with your family. Does it get any better than this? Thanks so much for being so gracious to Steph and Brent. You guys are the best!

Sure love you,