Today is Scott's 18th birthday and tomorrow Lisa enters the Missionary Training Center (MTC) to prepare for her mission to the Japan Tokyo Mission. We weren't able to go to the temple with Lisa, hear her speak in church this past Sunday, and do all the other many things that need to be done to prepare for a mission, but we are so grateful for all the many friends and relatives who helped her in a big way. Thanks for all the luncheons, shopping trips, family get-togethers, and late-night talks. And thanks to our dear friends, the Judsons, for being her foster family these past six months!

We often get letters from friends and family that talk about the sacrifices we are making to be on this mission and, yes, missing out on family events such as these are difficult; however, even though some of us are farther apart, this mission has brought us closer together.
Lisa lived here in Italy with us last year and spent three days a week volunteering at the kids' school in the kindergarten and first grade classes. She loved it and it helped solidify her desire to be an elementary school teacher. In the evenings, she put her smarts to good use and was able to help the kids with any homework assignment. She helped out a lot with meals for the missionaries, was always up for an adventure, and made us laugh at her wry sense of humor. We love her and will miss her for the next year and a half, but are so happy that she will be serving the Lord and doing great things!
Meeting Lisa at the airport at Christmas

Under the Christmas tree

Having fun in Florence

Eating gelato even when it's cold!

The Three Musketeers

Lisa & the DeRobertis Family from Pistoia

Lots of love to Lisa as she shares her faith and testimony to those in Japan. God be with you till we meet again. We love you sweetie and know that the people of Japan will too. Just keep smiling and they'll know what's in your heart regardless of how well you speak the language!
Scott is now a full-fledged adult. (Or, as Marianne put it, he can now go to jail if he does something wrong. Oh funny, funny Marianne!) Our time with Scott is limited as he will leave us after school is finished in June and spend a little time in Utah before serving his mission starting in July or August. He will find out when and where he'll serve by May.

Scott is an absolute joy to have around as you can see from the pictures that follow. I would say that he is "all boy," but he still knows how to show love and tenderness to his sisters and mom. It will be a very quiet place when he's gone and I'm not sure we will ever fill the void that will be left. But for now, we will celebrate the fact that we still have a few good months with this happy-go-lucky, laid-back, ever-helpful, ever-teasing young man.
I know some of these pictures will probably embarrass Scott, but . . . well, sorry -- just trying to keep you humble bud! :-)
Scott was part of the school's volleyball team and just finished the season in basketball.

Scott & Stephanie are like playful puppies who nip at each other once in a while!

Scott on the Beach at the Cinque Terre

Playing Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer

The funny thing is, he knows we're watching!

Doing dishes!

Scott loved decorating the tree and the entire house for Christmas, hanging lights and snowflakes in all the windows and paper "trees" around the house. He even wrapped the doors in wrapping paper!

Scott and Stephanie

Happy Birthday Scotty-boy!
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